Dalam sepekan terakhir, harga telur mengalami lonjakan lumayan tinggi di pasaran. Hal ini kemudian membuat pedagang, konsumen, dan bahkan pemerintah meradang.
Ada apa sebenarnya?
Terhitung sejak Jumat pekan lalu, harga telur ayam di pasar sudah mengalami kenaikan. Di Pasar Palmerah, misalnya, harga telur ayam tembus hingga Rp 29.000 per kilogram. Bahkan, ada yang menjual hingga harga Rp 32.000 per kg di tingkat eceran.
Salah seorang pedagang di Pasar Palmerah Eko Prasetyo menyebutkan bahwa kenaikan harga hingga Rp 29.000 tersebut terjadi sekitar 5 hari yang lalu.
"Pas puasa kemarin sekitar Rp 22.000 sampai Rp 24.000 (per kilogram), terus pas habis Lebaran baru mulai naik dari Rp 25.000 sampai sekarang Rp 29.000," ujar Eko kepada Kompas.com.
Hal sama pun diamini Ketua Umum Ikatan Pedagang Pasar Indonesia (IKAPPI) Abdullah Mansuri. Dia menyatakan bahwa melonjaknya harga telur di pasaran bukan terjadi dalam waktu dekat ini. Namun, dalam beberapa hari terakhir ini kenaikan harganya sangat tinggi.
"Persoalan telur ini sebenarnya bukan satu dua hari saja, melainkan sudah cukup lama. Cuma memang dalam minggu ini kenaikannya lebih agresif dibandingkan sebelumnya yang kenaikannya bisa 300 sampai 500 perak," tutur Abdullah saat dihubungi Kompas.com, Senin (16/7/2018).
Abdullah pun mengakui, kenaikan harga telur ayam tersebut tak hanya merisaukan konsumen, melainkan juga menimbulkan kekhawatiran di kalangan pedagang.
Pasalnya, selain semakin sulit menjualnya para pedagang juga mengalami kesulitan dalam memperoleh telur ayam tersebut. Kesulitan itu semakin diperparah dengan tak mampunya para pedagang menambah modal jualannya.
"Semakin mahal harga semakin sedikit jumlah produksi yang kami dapat. Modal kami katakanlah sehari sejuta ya, ya sehari terus sejuta. Kami enggak bisa tambah modal lagi. Produksinya kan semakin berkurang," ujar Abdullah.
Lebih lanjut dia mengatakan, para pedagang membeli telur ayam dari produsen dengan harga mencapai Rp 26.000 per kilogram.
Oleh sebab itu, mereka menjualnya kembali ke konsumen pada kisaran Rp 28.000 hingga Rp 29.000 per kilogram.
"Selepas Lebaran sampai sekarang ritmenya naik terus, enggak ada penurunan. Otomatis ya kami naikkan harga karena kami terima itu harganya sudah tinggi, enggak mungkin dong kami jual rugi," imbuh Abdullah.
Minimnya produksi ayam petelur
Abdullah pun kemudian mengidentifikasi penyebab kenaikan harga telur ayam tersebut.
Menurut dia, minimnya produksi komoditas ayam petelur menjadi biang keladi mahalnya harga telur di pasaran.
"Yang pertama kalau bicara soal telur itu enggak bisa lepas dari ayam dan ayam ini sebenarnya bermasalah. Ujung pangkal persoalannya ada di ayam sebenarnya," terangnya.
Persoalan pertama, kata Abdullah, ada pada pembatasan pembibitan dan kedua adalah pembatasan obat yang berujung pada produksi ayam melambat.
Jika biasanya dalam waktu tiga bulan ayam sudah besar dan bisa bertelur, dengan pembatasan obat tersebut harus menunggu hingga empat bulan.
"Ketiga adalah soal pakan. Pakan ini ada yang mengikuti dollar Amerika Serikat. Pelemahan rupiah sekarang ini membuat distribusi pakan jadi terganggu," tutur Abdullah.
Penjualan para pedagang pun diklaim turun selama seminggu terakhir.
"Selama seminggu ini penjualan telur ayam turun 30 persen di pasar-pasar. Konsumen beralih ke komoditas lainnya, seperti ikan, tempe, dan tahu. Ketiganya naik 30 persen penjualannya," sebut Abdullah.
Intervensi pemerintah
Melihat hal tersebut, pemerintah melalui Menteri Perdagangan ( Mendag) Enggartiasto Lukita telah memanggil para peternak ayam petelur dan penjual pakan.
Enggar pun memastikan bahwa pihaknya telah menyiapkan langkah-langkah untuk menstabilkan harga telur di pasaran.
"Ada beberapa langkah ke depan yang kami mintakan dan juga dapat respons positif dari para pelaku, yaitu jangan mengambil tambahan keuntungan," ujar Enggar di kantornya, Senin (16/7/2018).
Enggar menambahkan, pihaknya juga akan melakukan intervensi pasar jika harga telur dan daging ayam tak berangsur turun.
Langkah tersebut akan ditempuh jika selama sepekan ini harga komoditas itu tak juga menurun.
"Kami menyiapkan langkah untuk melakukan intervensi pasar. Langkah itu dilakukan dengan kita meminta para integrator yang besar itu untuk mengeluarkan stoknya dan kami akan melakukan penjualan langsung di pasar," sebut Enggar.
Terlepas dari itu, Enggar juga membeberkan penyebab mahalnya harga telur di pasaran.
Berbeda dengan pendapat IKAPPI, Enggar menyatakan bahwa salah satu penyebab kenaikan harga telur dan ayam adalah masa libur panjang Lebaran 2018.
"Dari sisi suplai ke pasar sampai ke konsumen terjadi pengurangan yang juga diakibatkan karena masa libur panjang. Ternyata para pekerja di peternakan mau cuti panjang," ujarnya.
Selain itu, kata Enggar, faktor cuaca ekstrem juga menyebabkan kenaikan harga telur dan daging ayam.
Sebab, akibat cuaca ekstrem tingkat produktivitas para peternak ayam menurun.
"Kami sepakat mengurangi kadar obat-obatan supaya lebih sehat, tapi lebih berisiko, risikonya tingkat kematian dan produktivitas. Ada cuaca ekstrem bisa kita saksikan di Dieng ada salju," kata Enggar.
Enggar mengungkapkan, kenaikan telur dan daging ayam tersebut terjadi sejak H-7 Lebaran 2018.
Namun, pada tahun sebelumnya, sesudah Lebaran haga akan kembali normal.
"Biasanya sesudah itu harga akan turun. Tapi terjadi anomali kenaikan harga. Nah faktor ini lah yang terakumulasi sehingga pasokan dan pendistribusian ini secara relatif terganggu. Dari gangguan ini ada potensi menikmati margin keuntungan dari pedagang," ucap dia.
Enggar pun mengakui kenaikan harga komoditas tersebut juga dipengaruhi melemahnya nilai tukar rupiah terhadap dollar Amerika Serikat.
"Mengenai dollar itu berdampak ke pakannya dan juga proyeksi atas DOC-nya. Itu ada kenaikan, tapi tidak besar," pungkasnya.
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Loans Guide
Many people are confused by the different types of loans available. Here is a helpful loans guide of the most common loans available today.
Bad Credit Personal Loan
A Bad Credit Personal Loan is a loan designed for the many people with a bad credit rating. However created, your past record of County Court Judgements, mortgage or other loan arrears can live on to deny you access to finance that other people regard as normal. If you are a home owner with equity in your property, a Bad Credit Personal Loan can bring that normality back to your life. Secured on your home, a Bad Credit Personal Loan can give you the freedom, for example, to do the home improvements or buy the new car you really wanted. With a Bad Credit Personal Loan you can borrow from £5,000 to £75,000 and up to 125% of your property value in some cases.
Bridging Loan
A bridging loan as the name implies is a loan used to “bridge” the financial gap between monies required for your new property completion prior to your existing property having been sold. Bridging loans are short term loans arranged when you need to purchase a house but are unable to arrange the mortgage for some reason, such as there is a delay in selling your existing property.
The beauty of bridging loans is that a bridging loan can be used to cover the financial gap when buying one property before the existing one is sold. A bridging loan can also be used to raise capital pending the sale of a property. Bridging loans can be arranged for any sum between £25000 to a few million pounds and can be borrowed for periods from a week to up to six months.
A bridging loan is similar to a mortgage where the amount borrowed is secured on your home but the advantage of a mortgage is that it attracts a much lower interest rate. While bridging loans are convenient the interest rates can be very high.
Business Loan
A business loan is designed for a wide range of small, medium and startup business needs including the purchase, refinance, expansion of a business, development loans or any type of commercial investment. Business loans are generally available from £50,000 to £1,000,000 at highly competitive interest rates from leading commercial loan lenders. They can offer up to 79% LTV (Loan to Valuation) with variable rates, depending on status and length of term.
They are normally offered on Freehold and long Leasehold properties with Bricks and Mortar valuations required. Legal and valuation fees are payable by the client. A business loan can be secured by all types of UK business property, commercial and residential properties.
Car Loan
The main types of car loans available are Hire Purchase and Manufacturer’s schemes. Hire purchase car finance is arranged by car dealerships, and effectively means that you are hiring the car from the dealer until the final payment on the loan has been paid, when ownership of the vehicle is transferred to you.
A Manufacturers’ scheme is a type of loan that is put together and advertised by the car manufacturer and can be arranged directly with them or through a local car dealership. You will not be the owner of the vehicle until you have repaid the loan in full, and the car will be repossessed if you default on repayments.
Cash Loan
Cash Loans also known as Payday Loans are arranged for people in employment who find themselves in a situation where they are short of immediate funds.
A Cash Loan can assist you in this situation with short term loans of between £80 and £400.
Loans are repayable on your next payday, although it is possible to renew your loan until subsequent paydays. To apply for a Cash Loan you must be in employment and have a bank account with a cheque book. A poor credit rating or debt history is initially not a problem.
Debt Consolidation Loan
Debt consolidation loans can give you a fresh start, allowing you to consolidate all of your loans into one – giving you one easy to manage payment, and in most cases, at a lower rate of interest.
Secured on your home debt consolidation loans can sweep away the pile of repayments to your credit and store cards, HP, loans and replace them with one, low cost, monthly payment – one calculated to be well within your means. With a Debt Consolidation Loan you can borrow from £5,000 to £75,000 and up to 125% of your property value in some cases. It can reduce BOTH your interest costs AND your monthly repayments, putting you back in control of your life.
Home Loan
A Home Loan is a loan secured on your home. You can unlock the value tied up in your property with a secured Home loan.
The loan can be used for any purpose, and is available to anyone who owns their home. Home loans can be used for any purpose such as, home improvements, new car, luxury holiday, pay of store card or credit card debt and debt consolidation.
With a Home Loan you can borrow from £5,000 to £75,000.
Home Improvement Loan
A Home Improvement Loan is a low interest loan secured on your property. With a Home Improvement Loan you can borrow from £5,000 to £75,000 with low monthly repayments. The loan can be repaid over any term between 5 and 25 years, depending on your available income and the amount of equity in the property that is to provide the security for the loan.
A Home Improvement Loan can help you with a new kitchen, bathroom, extension, loft conversion, conservatory, landscaping your garden or new furniture. You can even use it on non-house expenditure like a new car or repaying credit card or other debts.
Home Owner Loan
A Home Owner Loan is a loan secured on your home. You can unlock the value tied up in your property with a secured Home Owner loan. The loan can be used for any purpose, and is available to anyone who owns their home. Home owner loans can be used for any purpose such as, home improvements, new car, luxury holiday, pay of store card or credit card debt and debt consolidation. With a Home Owner Loan you can borrow from £5,000 to £75,000.
Payday Loan
Payday Loans also known as Cash Loans are arranged for people in employment who find themselves in a situation where they are short of immediate funds.
A Payday Loan can assist you in this situation with short term loans of between £80 and £400.
Loans are repayable on your next payday, although it is possible to renew your loan until subsequent paydays. To apply for a loan you must be in employment and have a bank account with a cheque book. A poor credit rating or debt history is initially not a problem.
Personal Loan
There are two categories of personal loans: secured personal loans and unsecured personal loans – See individual titles below. Homeowners can apply for a Secured personal loan (using their property as security), whereas tenants only have the option of an unsecured personal loan.
Remortgage Loan
A remortgage is changing your mortgage without moving your home. Remortgaging is the process of switching your mortgage to another lender that is offering a better deal than your current lender thereby saving money. A remortgage can also be used to raise additional finances by releasing equity in your property. You can borrow from £25,000 up to £500,000. Rates are variable, depending on status.
Secured Loan
A secured loan is simply a loan that uses your home as security against the loan. Secured loans are suitable for when you are trying to raise a large amount; are having difficulty getting an unsecured loan; or, have a poor credit history. Lenders can be more flexible when it comes to secured loans, making a secured loan possible when you may have been turned down for an unsecured loan. Secured loans are also worth considering if you need a new car, or need to make home improvements, or take that luxury holiday of a lifetime. You can borrow any amount from £5,000 to £75,000 and repay it over any period from 5 to 25 years. You simply select a monthly payment that fits in your current circumstances.
Secured Personal Loan
A Secured Personal Loan is simply a loan that is secured against property. Secured personal loans are suitable for when you are trying to raise a large amount; are having difficulty getting an unsecured personal loan; or, have a poor credit history. Lenders can be more flexible when it comes to Secured personal loans, making a Secured personal loan possible when you may have been turned down for an unsecured personal loan. Secured personal loans are also worth considering if you need a new car, or need to make home improvements, or take that luxury holiday of a lifetime. You can borrow any amount from £5,000 to £75,000 and repay it over any period from 5 to 25 years.
Student Loan
A student loan is way of borrowing money to help with the cost of your higher education. Applications are made through your Local Education Authority. A student loan is a way of receiving money to help with your living costs when you’re in higher education. You start paying back the loan once you have finished studying, provided your income has reached a certain level.
Tenant Loan
A tenant loan is an unsecured loan granted to those that do not own their own property. A tenant loan is always unsecured because in most cases, if you are renting your accommodation, you do not have an asset against which you can secure your loan. Tenants sometimes find that some loan companies will only lend money to homeowners. If you are a tenant you need to look for a company, bank or building society willing to give you an unsecured loan.
Unsecured Loan
An unsecured loan is a personal loan where the lender has no claim on a homeowner’s property should they fail to repay. Instead, the lender is relying solely on the ability of a borrower to meet their loan borrowing repayments. The amount you are able to borrow can start from as little as £500 and go up to £25,000. Because you not securing the money you are borrowing, lenders tend to limit the value of unsecured loans to £25,000.
The repayment period will range from anywhere between six months and ten years. Unsecured loans are offered by traditional financial institutions like building societies and banks but also recently by the larger supermarkets chains. An unsecured loan can be used for almost anything – a luxury holiday, a new car, a wedding, or home improvements. It is good for people who are not homeowners and cannot obtain a secured loan for example; a tenant living in rented accommodation.
Unsecured Personal Loan
An Unsecured personal loan is a personal loan where the lender has no claim on a homeowner’s property should they fail to repay. Instead, the lender is relying solely on the ability of a borrower to meet their loan borrowing repayments.
The amount you are able to borrow can start from as little as £500 and go up to £25,000. The repayment period will range from anywhere between six months and ten years. An Unsecured personal loan can be used for almost anything – a luxury holiday, a new car, a wedding, or home improvements. It is good for people who are not homeowners and cannot obtain a secured loan for example; a tenant living in rented accommodation.
Best Small Business Tips and Ideas
Deciding to start a business can be one of the most exhilarating decisions you make in your life. We are living in a world wherever everyone wants to make extra money and add to his income. Most people have achieved this by acquiring great business ideas. When one starts up a company, he must be ready to meet competition. It is important to note that you would not need to become rich or popular to succeed in business but have to think smartly. But there are a lot of moving parts and many different elements to consider.
10 basic tips essential to start a business successfully.
Tip 1 Get inspired and Love your idea
Every business begins with an idea you may have imagined of opening your own business for years, or motivation may have hit you suddenly. Nevertheless of the source, the first step of starting your own business is coming up with a business idea. And as important as your idea, you must in love with the idea.
Tip 2 Do Your Research or learn everything about the business
You have recognized your big idea, now it is time to balance it with the reality. Are you truly ready to start a business. Answer the questions below and see what you need to prepare yourself for business. For a small business succeed it must fulfill a need, solve a problem or offer something the market wants.
You can identify this need in many ways by doing research, focus groups, and even trial and error.
As you search the market, some of the questions can be
Is there a need for your anticipated services or products
Who needs it, Target Costumers
Are there other companies offering similar services or products right now
How is the competition
Can or how will your business fit into the market
Tip 3 Make a Business Plan
You need a business plan in order to make your business idea a reality. If you expect to seek monetary support from an investor or financial organization, a formal written business plan is a must.
Even if you do not need monetary support, a simple business plan can give you precision about what you hope to accomplish and how you plan to do it.
In overall, your business plan should summary your business goals and the inspiration behind them, as well as your plan for realization of your goals in terms of marketing and funding.
Tip 4 Planning Finances
Opening a small business does not have to involve a lot of money, but it will involve some investment.
There are a number of methods you can fund your small business,
With Small business grants
By Financing
With Small business loans
Or Angel investors
You can also attempt to get your business off the ground by bootstrapping, using as little capital as necessary to start your business.
Tip 5 Business Structure
Your small business can be an individual ownership, a partnership, a limited liability company LLC or a corporation. The business structure you might choose will impact in many factors from your business name, to liability, and how you file your taxes.
You can choose an initial business structure, and with time re-evaluate and change your structure as your business grows and needs to be changed.
Tip 6 The Business Name
The name you choose plays a role in almost every aspect of your business, so you want it to be a good one. Make sure you think through all of the possible consequences as you explore your options and select your business name.
Once you have selected a name, there is the need to check if it’s trademarked, currently in use and if stills free you will need to register it. A individual proprietor must register their business name with either their state or county clerk. Corporations, LLC, or limited corporations usually register their business name when the creation paperwork is filed.
These days you need to have a website, so please do not forget to register your domain name once you have selected your business name. The best domains and more valuable online are the ones ending with .com.
Tip 7 Licenses and Permits
There are a range of small business licenses and permits that may apply to your situation, depending on the type of business you are starting and where you are placed. You will need to inquiry what licenses and permits apply to your business during the initial process.
Tip 8 The Business Location
Setting up your place to work is essential for the operation of your business, whether you will have a home office, a shared or private office space, or a retail location. You will need to reflect about your place, equipment, and overall setup, and make sure your business place works for the kind of business you will be doing.
Tip 9 Accounting System
One of the most essential systems for a small business is an accounting system. Your accounting system is essential in order to build and manage your budget, set your charges, conduct business with others, and file your taxes. You can set up your accounting system by your own, or hire an accountant to take away some of the work.
Tip 10 Promote Your Small Business
As soon your business is up and running, you need to start attracting customers. You will want to initiate with the essentials by writing a single selling offer and building a marketing plan. Explore as many small business marketing ideas as you can so you to choose how to promote your business most successfully. Completed these business start up actions, you will have all of the most important small business bases protected, and be prepared for small business success.
15 Business Ideas to Generate Extra Income
If you want or need to start a side job because you still need to wait a little bit longer to start your own business, here are 15 suggestions for you.
Make money Blogging
If you enjoy writing, find a theme you’re passionate about and start a blog dedicated to covering that theme and anything else interesting you enjoy to talk about. All you need is a laptop, some time, and inspiration to consistently write. It can start as a hobby and turn into a business over time. Creating a blog is free, but if you want to look professional it can cost less than 12 dollars per month.
Buying or selling on eBay
Thanks to internet there are more opportunities to make money than ever to buy and resell products for extra money. There are lots of people buy at a discount and resell them on eBay for profit.
Freelance writing
If you are great with words, you might be capable to find some work as an online freelancer. A variety of publications need online content in the form of product, stories, service descriptions, and reports, and if you have the talent and ability, you could easily be the one to create them. Luckily, all you need is a computer and Internet connection to get started. You can start here freelancer.com
Social media expert
Now a day almost everyone uses Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, but did you know that many companies are willing to compensate people to support them managing their social media accounts and sometimes you can do it part time from home. If this appeals you, to find social media jobs you can start by writing companies with a social media presence and visiting sites like Elance.com for opportunities.
Proofreading and editing
Do you have strong English skills and outstanding grammar, You may have chances to work as a proof reader from home. Marketing for this can be hard; seek out those who might actually be able to use your services and advertise directly to them.
Virtual assistant
Many companies and individual professionals like having someone who can check and answer their email, organize task lists for them, someone who can update their calendars, and perform other administrative tasks, with minimal communication. The best of being a virtual assistant is that you can offer this service from home with a good Internet connection.
Website design
If you know a little bit about web design you can approach small businesses in your community, as they could use a very basic web presence to tell others about their business. These businesses usually don’t have a large budget for websites and create a great yet simple website is for you, get a bunch of clients from your local community, create sites for them, and maintains them for a small fee. You can easily get enough businesses to have a nice side business of your own with a low investment.
Affiliate marketing
Certain types of online businesses will pay you to promote their products and encourage sales. If you are interested in learning more, check out affiliate marketing programs such as Click bank, Commission Junction, and these websites are trustworthy and you can earn money by posting their products in your blog, website or Facebook. The secret of online business is all knowing targeting the right public and marketing efficiently. It can be overwhelming with all the information available online as more than 50 percent of the information is just a waste of time.
Become a business or life coach
If you are a good speaker and passionate about the business world and able to inspire and encourage others in a unique way, you could marketing your services as a business or even a life coach. Take your passion and expertise to the next level giving advice and suggest actionable steps people can take to progress their professional and private lives.
Start a resume writing service
If you are excellent at writing remarkable resumes that in the end result in people getting the job, contemplate advertising those services. Most of your work will spin around writing, editing, designing, and proofreading, so you will only need few supplies outside of your computer and basic software to get started.
App Developer
Web app development is the creation of application programs that reside on remote servers and are delivered to the user’s device over the Internet. Now a day you can do apps with software is you do not really need to be a weirdo to do it, you can be an app developer for Facebook for instance and of course you can do it part time and home based.
Business Consultant
If you are high organized and skilled being a good problem solver this job is for you. Companies bring Business Consultant to identify their problems, provide solutions and optimize companies. The only investments are your skills.
Data Entry Service
Many companies and online businesses require some type of manual information tracking, creating a vast amount of data entry work. Although there are many work at home scams related with data entry work, there are a lot of genuine chances available for genuine data entry businesses. If you are an excellent typist with an eye for detail, a data entry business is a great idea for you.
Freelance Writer
If you have the skill to write and inform people in a certain area, you can write small books or guides and sell them online, the biggest books platform is Amazon.com, where you can display your books for free and when they are sold, you will receive a percentage from the selling. Payments are made every month depending on your sales. Investment is only your time to write and imagination.
Internet Researcher
The Internet provides a vast amount of information. If you can quickly and efficiently navigate through that wealth of information, and essentially find a needle in a haystack, you can create a very successful business as an Internet researcher. Search for this kind of job online or about a company which is looking for this of service.
I give you only a glimpse what you could do, and these are just a few ideas, but many ideas were left behind.
First of all I advise you to think what you like to do as a hobby or in your free time, why don’t you make profit from what you are doing already.
You have the world as your disposal, but for a business to work out the first thing from all things is, it does not matter what you intent to do, but you have to love it. If you love what you do it does not feel like a job, you will be doing it with joy and this way you will be successful.
There are some side business opportunities that have grown more common in the past few years. And thanks to internet you have much more opportunities, ideas and help to develop your business.
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Loans Guide
Many people are confused by the different types of loans available. Here is a helpful loans guide of the most common loans available today.
Bad Credit Personal Loan
A Bad Credit Personal Loan is a loan designed for the many people with a bad credit rating. However created, your past record of County Court Judgements, mortgage or other loan arrears can live on to deny you access to finance that other people regard as normal. If you are a home owner with equity in your property, a Bad Credit Personal Loan can bring that normality back to your life. Secured on your home, a Bad Credit Personal Loan can give you the freedom, for example, to do the home improvements or buy the new car you really wanted. With a Bad Credit Personal Loan you can borrow from £5,000 to £75,000 and up to 125% of your property value in some cases.
Bridging Loan
A bridging loan as the name implies is a loan used to “bridge” the financial gap between monies required for your new property completion prior to your existing property having been sold. Bridging loans are short term loans arranged when you need to purchase a house but are unable to arrange the mortgage for some reason, such as there is a delay in selling your existing property.
The beauty of bridging loans is that a bridging loan can be used to cover the financial gap when buying one property before the existing one is sold. A bridging loan can also be used to raise capital pending the sale of a property. Bridging loans can be arranged for any sum between £25000 to a few million pounds and can be borrowed for periods from a week to up to six months.
A bridging loan is similar to a mortgage where the amount borrowed is secured on your home but the advantage of a mortgage is that it attracts a much lower interest rate. While bridging loans are convenient the interest rates can be very high.
Business Loan
A business loan is designed for a wide range of small, medium and startup business needs including the purchase, refinance, expansion of a business, development loans or any type of commercial investment. Business loans are generally available from £50,000 to £1,000,000 at highly competitive interest rates from leading commercial loan lenders. They can offer up to 79% LTV (Loan to Valuation) with variable rates, depending on status and length of term.
They are normally offered on Freehold and long Leasehold properties with Bricks and Mortar valuations required. Legal and valuation fees are payable by the client. A business loan can be secured by all types of UK business property, commercial and residential properties.
Car Loan
The main types of car loans available are Hire Purchase and Manufacturer’s schemes. Hire purchase car finance is arranged by car dealerships, and effectively means that you are hiring the car from the dealer until the final payment on the loan has been paid, when ownership of the vehicle is transferred to you.
A Manufacturers’ scheme is a type of loan that is put together and advertised by the car manufacturer and can be arranged directly with them or through a local car dealership. You will not be the owner of the vehicle until you have repaid the loan in full, and the car will be repossessed if you default on repayments.
Cash Loan
Cash Loans also known as Payday Loans are arranged for people in employment who find themselves in a situation where they are short of immediate funds.
A Cash Loan can assist you in this situation with short term loans of between £80 and £400.
Loans are repayable on your next payday, although it is possible to renew your loan until subsequent paydays. To apply for a Cash Loan you must be in employment and have a bank account with a cheque book. A poor credit rating or debt history is initially not a problem.
Debt Consolidation Loan
Debt consolidation loans can give you a fresh start, allowing you to consolidate all of your loans into one – giving you one easy to manage payment, and in most cases, at a lower rate of interest.
Secured on your home debt consolidation loans can sweep away the pile of repayments to your credit and store cards, HP, loans and replace them with one, low cost, monthly payment – one calculated to be well within your means. With a Debt Consolidation Loan you can borrow from £5,000 to £75,000 and up to 125% of your property value in some cases. It can reduce BOTH your interest costs AND your monthly repayments, putting you back in control of your life.
Home Loan
A Home Loan is a loan secured on your home. You can unlock the value tied up in your property with a secured Home loan.
The loan can be used for any purpose, and is available to anyone who owns their home. Home loans can be used for any purpose such as, home improvements, new car, luxury holiday, pay of store card or credit card debt and debt consolidation.
With a Home Loan you can borrow from £5,000 to £75,000.
Home Improvement Loan
A Home Improvement Loan is a low interest loan secured on your property. With a Home Improvement Loan you can borrow from £5,000 to £75,000 with low monthly repayments. The loan can be repaid over any term between 5 and 25 years, depending on your available income and the amount of equity in the property that is to provide the security for the loan.
A Home Improvement Loan can help you with a new kitchen, bathroom, extension, loft conversion, conservatory, landscaping your garden or new furniture. You can even use it on non-house expenditure like a new car or repaying credit card or other debts.
Home Owner Loan
A Home Owner Loan is a loan secured on your home. You can unlock the value tied up in your property with a secured Home Owner loan. The loan can be used for any purpose, and is available to anyone who owns their home. Home owner loans can be used for any purpose such as, home improvements, new car, luxury holiday, pay of store card or credit card debt and debt consolidation. With a Home Owner Loan you can borrow from £5,000 to £75,000.
Payday Loan
Payday Loans also known as Cash Loans are arranged for people in employment who find themselves in a situation where they are short of immediate funds.
A Payday Loan can assist you in this situation with short term loans of between £80 and £400.
Loans are repayable on your next payday, although it is possible to renew your loan until subsequent paydays. To apply for a loan you must be in employment and have a bank account with a cheque book. A poor credit rating or debt history is initially not a problem.
Personal Loan
There are two categories of personal loans: secured personal loans and unsecured personal loans – See individual titles below. Homeowners can apply for a Secured personal loan (using their property as security), whereas tenants only have the option of an unsecured personal loan.
Remortgage Loan
A remortgage is changing your mortgage without moving your home. Remortgaging is the process of switching your mortgage to another lender that is offering a better deal than your current lender thereby saving money. A remortgage can also be used to raise additional finances by releasing equity in your property. You can borrow from £25,000 up to £500,000. Rates are variable, depending on status.
Secured Loan
A secured loan is simply a loan that uses your home as security against the loan. Secured loans are suitable for when you are trying to raise a large amount; are having difficulty getting an unsecured loan; or, have a poor credit history. Lenders can be more flexible when it comes to secured loans, making a secured loan possible when you may have been turned down for an unsecured loan. Secured loans are also worth considering if you need a new car, or need to make home improvements, or take that luxury holiday of a lifetime. You can borrow any amount from £5,000 to £75,000 and repay it over any period from 5 to 25 years. You simply select a monthly payment that fits in your current circumstances.
Secured Personal Loan
A Secured Personal Loan is simply a loan that is secured against property. Secured personal loans are suitable for when you are trying to raise a large amount; are having difficulty getting an unsecured personal loan; or, have a poor credit history. Lenders can be more flexible when it comes to Secured personal loans, making a Secured personal loan possible when you may have been turned down for an unsecured personal loan. Secured personal loans are also worth considering if you need a new car, or need to make home improvements, or take that luxury holiday of a lifetime. You can borrow any amount from £5,000 to £75,000 and repay it over any period from 5 to 25 years.
Student Loan
A student loan is way of borrowing money to help with the cost of your higher education. Applications are made through your Local Education Authority. A student loan is a way of receiving money to help with your living costs when you’re in higher education. You start paying back the loan once you have finished studying, provided your income has reached a certain level.
Tenant Loan
A tenant loan is an unsecured loan granted to those that do not own their own property. A tenant loan is always unsecured because in most cases, if you are renting your accommodation, you do not have an asset against which you can secure your loan. Tenants sometimes find that some loan companies will only lend money to homeowners. If you are a tenant you need to look for a company, bank or building society willing to give you an unsecured loan.
Unsecured Loan
An unsecured loan is a personal loan where the lender has no claim on a homeowner’s property should they fail to repay. Instead, the lender is relying solely on the ability of a borrower to meet their loan borrowing repayments. The amount you are able to borrow can start from as little as £500 and go up to £25,000. Because you not securing the money you are borrowing, lenders tend to limit the value of unsecured loans to £25,000.
The repayment period will range from anywhere between six months and ten years. Unsecured loans are offered by traditional financial institutions like building societies and banks but also recently by the larger supermarkets chains. An unsecured loan can be used for almost anything – a luxury holiday, a new car, a wedding, or home improvements. It is good for people who are not homeowners and cannot obtain a secured loan for example; a tenant living in rented accommodation.
Unsecured Personal Loan
An Unsecured personal loan is a personal loan where the lender has no claim on a homeowner’s property should they fail to repay. Instead, the lender is relying solely on the ability of a borrower to meet their loan borrowing repayments.
The amount you are able to borrow can start from as little as £500 and go up to £25,000. The repayment period will range from anywhere between six months and ten years. An Unsecured personal loan can be used for almost anything – a luxury holiday, a new car, a wedding, or home improvements. It is good for people who are not homeowners and cannot obtain a secured loan for example; a tenant living in rented accommodation.
Best Small Business Tips and Ideas
Deciding to start a business can be one of the most exhilarating decisions you make in your life. We are living in a world wherever everyone wants to make extra money and add to his income. Most people have achieved this by acquiring great business ideas. When one starts up a company, he must be ready to meet competition. It is important to note that you would not need to become rich or popular to succeed in business but have to think smartly. But there are a lot of moving parts and many different elements to consider.
10 basic tips essential to start a business successfully.
Tip 1 Get inspired and Love your idea
Every business begins with an idea you may have imagined of opening your own business for years, or motivation may have hit you suddenly. Nevertheless of the source, the first step of starting your own business is coming up with a business idea. And as important as your idea, you must in love with the idea.
Tip 2 Do Your Research or learn everything about the business
You have recognized your big idea, now it is time to balance it with the reality. Are you truly ready to start a business. Answer the questions below and see what you need to prepare yourself for business. For a small business succeed it must fulfill a need, solve a problem or offer something the market wants.
You can identify this need in many ways by doing research, focus groups, and even trial and error.
As you search the market, some of the questions can be
Is there a need for your anticipated services or products
Who needs it, Target Costumers
Are there other companies offering similar services or products right now
How is the competition
Can or how will your business fit into the market
Tip 3 Make a Business Plan
You need a business plan in order to make your business idea a reality. If you expect to seek monetary support from an investor or financial organization, a formal written business plan is a must.
Even if you do not need monetary support, a simple business plan can give you precision about what you hope to accomplish and how you plan to do it.
In overall, your business plan should summary your business goals and the inspiration behind them, as well as your plan for realization of your goals in terms of marketing and funding.
Tip 4 Planning Finances
Opening a small business does not have to involve a lot of money, but it will involve some investment.
There are a number of methods you can fund your small business,
With Small business grants
By Financing
With Small business loans
Or Angel investors
You can also attempt to get your business off the ground by bootstrapping, using as little capital as necessary to start your business.
Tip 5 Business Structure
Your small business can be an individual ownership, a partnership, a limited liability company LLC or a corporation. The business structure you might choose will impact in many factors from your business name, to liability, and how you file your taxes.
You can choose an initial business structure, and with time re-evaluate and change your structure as your business grows and needs to be changed.
Tip 6 The Business Name
The name you choose plays a role in almost every aspect of your business, so you want it to be a good one. Make sure you think through all of the possible consequences as you explore your options and select your business name.
Once you have selected a name, there is the need to check if it’s trademarked, currently in use and if stills free you will need to register it. A individual proprietor must register their business name with either their state or county clerk. Corporations, LLC, or limited corporations usually register their business name when the creation paperwork is filed.
These days you need to have a website, so please do not forget to register your domain name once you have selected your business name. The best domains and more valuable online are the ones ending with .com.
Tip 7 Licenses and Permits
There are a range of small business licenses and permits that may apply to your situation, depending on the type of business you are starting and where you are placed. You will need to inquiry what licenses and permits apply to your business during the initial process.
Tip 8 The Business Location
Setting up your place to work is essential for the operation of your business, whether you will have a home office, a shared or private office space, or a retail location. You will need to reflect about your place, equipment, and overall setup, and make sure your business place works for the kind of business you will be doing.
Tip 9 Accounting System
One of the most essential systems for a small business is an accounting system. Your accounting system is essential in order to build and manage your budget, set your charges, conduct business with others, and file your taxes. You can set up your accounting system by your own, or hire an accountant to take away some of the work.
Tip 10 Promote Your Small Business
As soon your business is up and running, you need to start attracting customers. You will want to initiate with the essentials by writing a single selling offer and building a marketing plan. Explore as many small business marketing ideas as you can so you to choose how to promote your business most successfully. Completed these business start up actions, you will have all of the most important small business bases protected, and be prepared for small business success.
15 Business Ideas to Generate Extra Income
If you want or need to start a side job because you still need to wait a little bit longer to start your own business, here are 15 suggestions for you.
Make money Blogging
If you enjoy writing, find a theme you’re passionate about and start a blog dedicated to covering that theme and anything else interesting you enjoy to talk about. All you need is a laptop, some time, and inspiration to consistently write. It can start as a hobby and turn into a business over time. Creating a blog is free, but if you want to look professional it can cost less than 12 dollars per month.
Buying or selling on eBay
Thanks to internet there are more opportunities to make money than ever to buy and resell products for extra money. There are lots of people buy at a discount and resell them on eBay for profit.
Freelance writing
If you are great with words, you might be capable to find some work as an online freelancer. A variety of publications need online content in the form of product, stories, service descriptions, and reports, and if you have the talent and ability, you could easily be the one to create them. Luckily, all you need is a computer and Internet connection to get started. You can start here freelancer.com
Social media expert
Now a day almost everyone uses Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest, but did you know that many companies are willing to compensate people to support them managing their social media accounts and sometimes you can do it part time from home. If this appeals you, to find social media jobs you can start by writing companies with a social media presence and visiting sites like Elance.com for opportunities.
Proofreading and editing
Do you have strong English skills and outstanding grammar, You may have chances to work as a proof reader from home. Marketing for this can be hard; seek out those who might actually be able to use your services and advertise directly to them.
Virtual assistant
Many companies and individual professionals like having someone who can check and answer their email, organize task lists for them, someone who can update their calendars, and perform other administrative tasks, with minimal communication. The best of being a virtual assistant is that you can offer this service from home with a good Internet connection.
Website design
If you know a little bit about web design you can approach small businesses in your community, as they could use a very basic web presence to tell others about their business. These businesses usually don’t have a large budget for websites and create a great yet simple website is for you, get a bunch of clients from your local community, create sites for them, and maintains them for a small fee. You can easily get enough businesses to have a nice side business of your own with a low investment.
Affiliate marketing
Certain types of online businesses will pay you to promote their products and encourage sales. If you are interested in learning more, check out affiliate marketing programs such as Click bank, Commission Junction, and these websites are trustworthy and you can earn money by posting their products in your blog, website or Facebook. The secret of online business is all knowing targeting the right public and marketing efficiently. It can be overwhelming with all the information available online as more than 50 percent of the information is just a waste of time.
Become a business or life coach
If you are a good speaker and passionate about the business world and able to inspire and encourage others in a unique way, you could marketing your services as a business or even a life coach. Take your passion and expertise to the next level giving advice and suggest actionable steps people can take to progress their professional and private lives.
Start a resume writing service
If you are excellent at writing remarkable resumes that in the end result in people getting the job, contemplate advertising those services. Most of your work will spin around writing, editing, designing, and proofreading, so you will only need few supplies outside of your computer and basic software to get started.
App Developer
Web app development is the creation of application programs that reside on remote servers and are delivered to the user’s device over the Internet. Now a day you can do apps with software is you do not really need to be a weirdo to do it, you can be an app developer for Facebook for instance and of course you can do it part time and home based.
Business Consultant
If you are high organized and skilled being a good problem solver this job is for you. Companies bring Business Consultant to identify their problems, provide solutions and optimize companies. The only investments are your skills.
Data Entry Service
Many companies and online businesses require some type of manual information tracking, creating a vast amount of data entry work. Although there are many work at home scams related with data entry work, there are a lot of genuine chances available for genuine data entry businesses. If you are an excellent typist with an eye for detail, a data entry business is a great idea for you.
Freelance Writer
If you have the skill to write and inform people in a certain area, you can write small books or guides and sell them online, the biggest books platform is Amazon.com, where you can display your books for free and when they are sold, you will receive a percentage from the selling. Payments are made every month depending on your sales. Investment is only your time to write and imagination.
Internet Researcher
The Internet provides a vast amount of information. If you can quickly and efficiently navigate through that wealth of information, and essentially find a needle in a haystack, you can create a very successful business as an Internet researcher. Search for this kind of job online or about a company which is looking for this of service.
I give you only a glimpse what you could do, and these are just a few ideas, but many ideas were left behind.
First of all I advise you to think what you like to do as a hobby or in your free time, why don’t you make profit from what you are doing already.
You have the world as your disposal, but for a business to work out the first thing from all things is, it does not matter what you intent to do, but you have to love it. If you love what you do it does not feel like a job, you will be doing it with joy and this way you will be successful.
There are some side business opportunities that have grown more common in the past few years. And thanks to internet you have much more opportunities, ideas and help to develop your business.
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